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Indie music with a twist! Hear Thom and Wolves

Hey Squad, get ready to ride the sound waves with “Across the Burning Skies“! Thom and the Wolves dropped this slammin’ track and it’s like nothing else.

They kicked it off in Berlin, mixing guitar vibes with Hugo’s mad production skills. They say it’s all about breaking free, like a phoenix from the flames – talk about fire!

No boring pics here, the album cover’s a wild painting that looks like a party on canvas. It’s all about letting go and finding your own beat. With colors going boom, it’ll make you want to grab a brush and join in.

Album cover of Across the Burning Skies
Album cover of Across the Burning Skies

The tunes? Think of a rollercoaster of Indie sounds. It’s got oomph that’ll make you bop your head and feel all the feels.

Plus, they’re not just making noise – they’ve got a message. If your mood’s been like, “Meh”, this song’s like a high-five from your best bud. It says, “It’s cool to not always be cool”.

Now, these dudes aren’t just about the studio life. They’ve got plans to hit the road and bring the noise to your doorstep. Can you imagine the energy? It’s gonna be lit AF!

So, if you’re ready to flex some Indie muscle in your playlist, give “Across the Burning Skies” a listen. And if you’re vibing with it, help the gang out and share it. YOLO, right?

Wanna dive deeper into the sound? Hit play and let the music do the talking. Just hit up your go-to music app and search Thom and the Wolves. Bet you’ll be telling your squad about the new tunes you’ve discovered!

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