HomeNews6ix9ine - Bori (feat. Lenier) Lyrics Translation and Story Explained

6ix9ine – Bori (feat. Lenier) Lyrics Translation and Story Explained

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Rapper 6ix9ine is known for his bold and controversial music, but his latest track “Bori” takes a more introspective turn. The lyrics of the song reveal the artist’s personal struggles and triumphs, from his difficult childhood to his rise to fame. Through the translation of the lyrics, we get a glimpse into 6ix9ine’s past and the experiences that shaped him into the artist he is today.

Bori Explained

The lyrics of the song “Bori” by 6ix9ine tells the story of his upbringing and rise to fame. He confesses his past and shares some of the struggles he faced while growing up. 6ix9ine describes how his parents separated when he was seven years old and how he didn’t have many good moments in his childhood. He talks about not having toys or receiving gifts from Santa Claus, but he did have a guitar without strings and a makeshift microphone.

The artist then shares how he learned from false friends and how he had to ignore ungrateful people. Despite these hardships, he remained grounded because he didn’t have shoes to wear. 6ix9ine talks about the challenges he faced in his life, but he always knew that his luck would change.

The chorus of the song repeats the message that 6ix9ine had to suffer and cry even when he had no tears left. But he always knew that his success was inevitable, and he is now a legend in his neighborhood.

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Towards the end of the song, the artist talks about how he has gained both love and hate from others now that he is famous. He acknowledges that people like him never forget or die. The song ends with 6ix9ine hoping for good health and blessings for his family.

Lyrics Spanish & English: 6ix9ine – Bori (feat. Lenier)

6ix9ine – Bori (feat. Lenier) (Official Music Video)


[Lyrics of “Bori”]

[Intro: Lenier]
Hmm, yeah, ayy-ayy-ayy
Hmm, na-na-na-na-na, eh-eh

[Verse 1: Lenier & 6ix9ine]
Today I want to confess, confess my sins
I want to tell my story, that nobody has heard
When I was seven years old, mom and dad separated
There were few good moments
And many bad moments
I never had toys, Santa Claus never gave me gifts
I only had a guitar without strings, and a wooden microphone
I learned from fake friends, I learned to ignore the ungrateful
But I always walked with my feet on the ground because I didn’t have shoes

[Chorus: Lenier]
Suffering was my lot in this life
Crying when I had no tears left
But I always knew that my luck would come
The kid from the neighborhood, the living legend

[Verse 2: 6ix9ine]
When there was no bread for breakfast, I settled
When there was no car, I walked
Before I felt like the owner of everything
Now I’m the same fool with money and fame
Now those who didn’t see me yesterday, look at me
Now the same ones who ignored me, chase me
Before, I always lost, never won
And now in this game, I’m the missing piece
But my father watches over me from above (From above)
And on the right path, he guides me (He guides me)
And I just ask him to give me health, and blessings for my family (Family)

[Interlude: Lenier]

[Bridge: 6ix9ine]
Now I have people who hate me
Now I have people who love me
They say that men like me, are not forgotten nor do they die

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[Chorus: Lenier]
Suffering was my lot in this life
Crying when I had no tears left
But I always knew that my luck would come
The kid from the neighborhood, the living legend


[Letra de “Bori”]

[Intro: Lenier]
Hmm, yeah, ayy-ayy-ayy
Hmm, na-na-na-na-na, eh-eh

[Verso 1: Lenier & 6ix9ine]
Hoy quiero confesarme, confesar mis pecado’
Quiero contarle mi historia, que a nadie se le ha conta’o
Cuando tenía siete años, mamá y papá se separaron
Fueron poco’ lo’ momento’ bueno’
Y fueron muchos los momento’ malo’
Yo nunca tuve juguete’, a mí Santa Claus nunca me dio regalo’
Yo solo tuve una guitarra sin cuerda, y un micrófono de palo
Aprendí de los falso’ amigo’, aprendí a ignorar lo’ ingrato’
Pero siempre caminé con los pies sobre la tierra porque no tuve zapatos

Estribillo: Lenier]
Sufrir me tocó a mí en esta vida
Llorar cuando ni lágrima’ tenía
Pero siempre supe que mi suerte llegaría
El chamaquito del barrio, la leyenda viva

[Verso 2: 6ix9ine]
Cuando no había pan pal desayuno, me conformaba
Cuando no había carro, caminaba
Antes me sentía el dueño de todo
Ahora soy el mismo bobo con dinero y fama
Ahora me miran los que ayer no me miraban
Ahora me tiran los mismos que me ignoraban
Ante’ perdía, nunca ganaba
Y ahora en este juego soy la ficha que faltaba
Pero mi padre a mí me cuida desde arriba (Desde arriba)
Y por el buen camino él me guía (Él me guía)
Y yo solo le pido que me dé salú’, y bendición pa’ mi familia (Familia)

[Interludio: Lenier]

[Puente: 6ix9ine]
Ahora tengo gente que me odia
Ahora tengo gente que me quiere
Dicen que los hombres como yo, no se olvidan ni se mueren

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[Estribillo: Lenier]
Sufrir me tocó a mí en esta vida
Llorar cuando ni lágrima’ tenía
Pero siempre supe que mi suerte llegaría
El chamaquito del barrio, la leyenda viva

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